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File #: 25-2799   
Placement: Presentations - Workshop Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 1/13/2025 In control: School Board Workshop
On agenda: 2/25/2025 Final action:
Title: Review proposed job description of Director of Labor Relations and Professional Standards.
Attachments: 1. Director of Labor Relations_Professional Standards STRIKE, 2. Director of Labor Relations_Professional Standards CLEAN, 3. Director of Human Resources STRIKE, 4. Director of Human Resources CLEAN, 5. Budget Sheet NO Financial Impact
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Title and Board Action Requested


Review proposed job description of Director of Labor Relations and Professional Standards.



Executive Summary

The Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, on behalf of the Superintendent of Schools, hereby requests the Board review the proposed job description for Director of Labor Relations & Professional Standards, as well as adjustments to the Director of Human Resources. Please note that while the Director of Labor Relations & Professional Standards is a new job description, it does not result in an additional allocation of funds or impact our currently approved budget. The creation of this role will be utilized in place of the existing Executive Director of Business Services position, which will lead to a budget savings. This reallocation of resources will not only support the alignment of responsibilities with the appropriate staff but will also provide funds that may be redirected toward legal counsel or other critical operational needs. This change will be reflected as a staff differentiation in our allocation reports.


My Contact

Barbara Kidder

Assistant Superintendent of Business Services




2023-28 Strategic Focus Area

Priority 2: Talent Management


Financial Impact

No Budget Impact. See attached budget sheet.


If expenditure is not currently budgeted, this will serve as the budget amendment when Board approved. If the agenda item includes the purchase of goods or services, the funds requested are an anticipated amount and may fluctuate depending on such factors as current market conditions, product availability, additional funding sources, and the needs of the District.  Should the actual cost exceed the anticipated amount, the Board approves the additional cost, after review by the superintendent, but not in excess of the funds available in the site’s approved annual budget.