Title and Board Action Requested
Approve the purchase of Microsoft licensing from CDW-G and authorize the issuance of a Purchase Order for $214,850.80.
Executive Summary
The Director of Technology and Information Services, on behalf of the Superintendent of Schools, hereby requests the Board approve the purchase of Microsoft Licensing from CDW-G and authorize the issuance of a purchase order for $214,850.80. The cost is based on staff FTE count. This licensing provides access for students, staff and administrators to necessary Microsoft products, including, but not limited to Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, OneNote, Power Point, etc.) as well as all necessary programs and systems to allow the Technology and Information Services Department to administer and maintain all servers, devices and systems for the District and students, and as such is mission critical.
My Contact
Joseph Amato
Director of Technology and Information Services
(352) 797-7006 Ext. 102
2023-28 Strategic Focus Area
Priority 5: Fiscal Transparency and Capital Planning
Financial Impact
The cost for this agenda item is $214,850.80. The cost for the previous fiscal year was $206, 657.00.
If expenditure is not currently budgeted, this will serve as the budget amendment when Board approved. If the agenda item includes the purchase of goods or services, the funds requested are an anticipated amount and may fluctuate depending on such factors as current market conditions, product availability, additional funding sources, and the needs of the District. Should the actual cost exceed the anticipated amount, the Board approves the additional cost, after review by the superintendent, but not in excess of the funds available in the site’s approved annual budget.